The Great Plains Bicycling Club is Lincoln, Nebraska’s recreational bicycling club. We organize rides in and around Lincoln, promote cycling and bicycle safety, and much more. We welcome all recreational riders to join us on our rides and in our other activities.
We want this to be a website that people in Lincoln and Nebraska can rely upon for information about recreational cycling. We want to know of any Nebraska-area rides that aren’t in our listings. If you are aware of a recreational ride that is not listed, please contact the webmaster and provide a description and other details.

Spring Fling Registration Open
Spring Fling 2024 will be held Saturday May 18th, beginning at 9:00 am. Early registration is open now through May 11. The course follows a route on paved roads between Eagle and Louisville, Nebraska, with rides up to a metric century (approximately 60 miles). You can start either in Eagle or Louisville. There will be fixed SAG stations at each start/end point and in Murdock (approximately the half-way point of the full route), and roving SAG vehicles will patrol the route. For more information and to register, go to the Spring Fling web page.